Here at Passing Clouds, we'd like to introduce you to some of the people that work behind the scenes and make our weekly events and late night parties actually happen. So we've started this 'Behind The Scenes' series that will acquaint you with the core members of our team, who make Passing Clouds the dynamic & sparkly place that it is today!
We're kicking it off with our amazing decor designer Ella Lynch. Not only does she maintain the venue, she also creates custom costumes for the staff, and makes all of the glittery goodness that we provide for people's birthday celebrations! Ella is an absolute diamond. Her ability to create all of the building's decor on a budget, and constantly come up with new & innovative ideas, is truly instrumental to our organisation. We couldn't do it without her!
Ella rocking a Sun Ra Arkestra headdress!
Us: What were your first impressions of Passing Clouds?
Ella: Like most people’s first experience of the venue, I was quite mesmerised. Passing Clouds puts on these crazy parties that you just can’t find anywhere in London so I was just so happy i found it. It really felt like a wonderland.
Adding some flowers to one of our signature tribal masks
Us: Tell us about your current job role (and how you got there!)
Ella: I started as a bartender so that I could fund my own artwork; at the time I was making sets, costumes and headdresses. During this period, the venue was going through renovations and had consequently left the building looking quite unloved. The management were looking to bring in a creative director to work on the decor and to get the venue looking wonderful again so I put myself forward and was luckily given the job! My role involves maintaining and creating decor, making costumes, creating sets and pieces for events and generally controlling how the venue looks. My job is amazing.
Balthazar is a magical purple dragon-type creation with plasma eyes, made especially for Beatroots
Us: What makes you happiest about your job?
Ella: The fact that I am doing what I love doing everyday and that I am allowed to create whatever I like, no matter how weird.
Us: What has been your favourite decor project that you've undertaken?
Ella: They have all been so much fun but probably the goddess party last year that was all about celebrating the female. For this I made a humungous boob and hung it on the stage, I also made the staircase and landing into a womb and birth canal with a big vagina at the entrance.
Thanks for everything that you do Ella! You are indispensible, and damn funky too!
Follow her on Instagram to stay up to date with her latest creations: @bobbydazzler__
Did you know that Passing Clouds employs over 50 people? If you'd like to support our campaign, and preserve this unique space that fosters creativity, please sign & share our petition! One love, Passing Clouds xxx